What to Look for in a Physical Therapy Provider

Physical Therapy in Logan Square

woman starting physical therapy in Logan Square

Whether you are suffering from chronic pain or recovering from an injury, physical therapy is one of the most effective methods for rehabilitation. 

At Balanced Flow Wellness, we know that finding the right provider for your physical therapy can make a huge difference in recovery time and long-term health. When looking for physical therapy in Logan Square, it is important that you keep your eye out for a few key things. 

A Clinic That Puts You at the Center of Your Treatment

Physical therapy is a very individual-based treatment, and that’s because everyone’s body is unique. When looking for a physical therapy provider, you want to make sure you are not being given some standard set of treatments. Your physical therapy should be created around your specific circumstances and your specific needs. It’s your body that’s being treated, and no one knows your body better than you. 

Homework Assignments

No one likes to hear that word, but let’s face the truth—your teachers assigned you homework in school so you would actually retain what you learned in class. Physical therapy works in a very similar way, but in this case, you’re teaching your body. Physical therapy doesn’t work if it’s only done in the clinic. 

The first reason is a bit obvious: the more you do to strengthen your muscles and work on your mobility, the stronger and more mobile you will be. 

The second reason is a little less obvious but even more important: you don’t want to have to go to the clinic forever. A provider that is interested in your full recovery will want you to take your exercises home; that way, your wellness becomes part of your everyday routine and part of your life.

An Encouraging Team

Woman encouraged during physical therapy in Logan Square

You want to find a provider who is encouraging, who understands your needs and your goals, and who is determined to get you there. Embarking on a physical therapy treatment can be something that makes you feel vulnerable.

Imagining that your pain will subside or your injury will heal properly can bring in all kinds of doubts. You want the team at your physical therapy clinic to be one that you trust to properly care for you and support you through your treatment, all the way through to the accomplishment of your goals.

Start Your Physical Rehabilitation Today

When you come to Balanced Flow Wellness, you will know right away that you have found the right physical therapy in Logan Square. Whatever your needs and whatever your health goals, our therapists will get you where you want to be. Book a consultation to learn how we can assist you in your rehabilitation. 

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