Body Scanning in Chicago

Understand Your Body With InBody Scanning

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Why Scan Your Body?

  • Precise Measurements

    With InBody scanning, you don’t need to guess how much fat and muscle makes up your weight. You have all the information you need in less than two minutes.

  • Personalized Recommendations

    Based on the data our body scanning in Chicago generates, our treatment plan will be optimally designed to accommodate your goals.

  • Progress Tracking

    With repeat testing, you can easily see the progress you’ve made, even if the number on the scale seems to remain the same!

Exact Data About Your Health

The number on the scale is exactly just that—a number that doesn’t give us any more information about what actually makes up your weight. Though two people might weigh the same, their muscle mass and body fat percentage could be incredibly different, so we need an effective way to measure the proportions of muscle to body fat.

Enter our InBody 570 scanning in Chicago, a revolutionary technology that gives a detailed breakdown of the amount of muscle, fat, and water in your body. With exact information about your body makeup, the team at Balanced Flow Wellness can better create a wellness plan that considers your individual data and matches your body goals.

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What Body Scanning Measures

Body fat percentage

Muscle mass

Body mass index

Basal metabolic rate

Disease risks

Visceral fat level

Muscle imbalances

Body water

The InBody Scanning Process

Step 1: Consultation

While the information from an InBody scan is valuable on its own, it's truly useful when implemented into a customized wellness program. We provide complementary scans before wellness consultations to thoroughly understand your situation, your goals, and your medical history. With the information you give us, we develop a program for you that involves the data from your InBody scan.

Step 2: InBody Scan

We'll provide you with more detailed instructions on how to prepare for your InBody scan, such as not eating or exercising for a period before the test. The InBody scan requires you to step onto a scale and align your feet with the foot electrodes. After it confirms your weight, you enter some info into the machine, such as age and height. Then, place your thumbs on the oval electrodes and keep still until the scan is complete! Your results will print out in 45 seconds.
A women getting support from a medical professional after searching "Non-Surgical Weight Loss Treatments Near Me"

Step 3: Follow-Up

After you complete the body scanning in Chicago at our office, one of our team members will review the results with you and implement them into your treatment plan.

Learn More About Ways We Can Help

We offer many wellness services in addition to our body scanning in Chicago. Use our treatment planning tool to instantly learn about which services may be a good fit for you.

Treatment Planning Tool

Frequently Asked Questions About InBody Scanning in Chicago

Frequently Asked Questions

Our Balanced Approach to Wellness

Our goal at Balanced Flow Wellness is to help you restore, elevate and optimize your health in every aspect. We believe in implementing sustainable changes to your lifestyle that maximize all areas of wellness. Our approach works best with those who are willing to take active steps toward well-being.

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