A prolotherapy injection for regenerative health benefits

medical weight loss in Chicago

Lose Fat Fast & Keep It Off for Good

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Balanced Flow Consultation

Benefits of Medical Weight Loss

  • Individualized Plan

    We tailor our weight loss program to you and your body for sustainable and effective lifestyle changes.

  • Access from Anywhere

    Much of your plan and care can be done from the comfort of your home and some plans can be done entirely remotely if you need.

  • Supportive Accountability

    Our team and coaches regularly check in with you to answer any of your questions, give you support, and keep you accountable!

Weight Loss Guided by Healthcare Professionals

Our goal is for you to achieve and maintain a healthy weight using expert lifestyle guidance assisted with effective medical interventions. We know that losing weight is difficult, and some quick results from the latest medical interventions help to jumpstart your journey.

Our medical weight loss programs in Chicago are based on the latest scientific research and evidence-backed strategies. We incorporate a combination of bioidentical hormone therapy, technology-assisted exercise, body sculpting, nutritional counseling, and weight loss medications like semaglutide (Ozempic) and tirzepatide (Mounjaro). Our approach focuses not only on shedding excess pounds, but also on improving your overall health and well-being.

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Benefits of Healthy Weight

Reduces chronic disease risk

Improves heart health

Increases energy levels

Reduces pain

Improves sleep

Improves libido

Improves confidence

Improves depression

The Weight Loss Program Process

Step 1: Consultation

Diet and exercise are just two pieces of the puzzle when it comes to weight loss and wellness. Before you begin your weight loss program, we sit down with you in a consultation to thoroughly understand your situation, your goals, and your medical history. With the information you give us, we develop a comprehensive weight loss program for you that can involve personalized nutrition, hormone supplementation, technology-assisted fitness, body sculpting, weight loss medications, and more.

Step 2: Weight Loss Plan

As you go through your weight loss journey, you will have regular check-ins with our team where you can ask any questions you may have or share your concerns or struggles. We will be your resource and personal coach to guide you and hold you accountable to ensure your success.
A prolotherapy injection for regenerative health benefits

Step 3: Results

We measure your progress through repeat testing to determine what is or isn't working for you. Although medications can help you lose weight quickly, sustainable weight loss takes time to establish healthy habits. In conjunction with other aspects of wellness, such as physical rehabilitation, we help you revitalize your lifestyle so you can become your very best.
patient sees the results of semaglutide in Chicago

Learn More About Ways We Can Help

We offer many wellness services in addition to medical weight loss in Chicago. Use our treatment planning tool to instantly learn about which services may be a good fit for you.

Treatment Planning Tool

Frequently Asked Questions About Medical Weight Loss in Chicago

Frequently Asked Questions

Our Balanced Approach to Wellness

Our goal at Balanced Flow Wellness is to help you restore, elevate and optimize your health in every aspect. We believe in implementing sustainable changes to your lifestyle that maximize all areas of wellness. Our approach works best with those who are willing to take active steps toward well-being.

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