HIIT Programs near Lincoln Park

Redefining HIIT: Where Innovation Meets Results

A Balanced Flow Wellness trainer facilitating a Miha Bodytec session as an alternative HIIT Programs near Lincoln Park

Not all HIIT programs near Lincoln Park are created equal. How could they be when medically guided, whole-body electromyostimulation (EMS) is only available at Balanced Flow Wellness?

Our unparalleled high-intensity interval training (HIIT) program uses innovative technology to take your workouts to extraordinary heights. Imagine attaining 51,000 full-body muscle contractions in a single 20-minute session!

Now stop imagining because with Miha Bodytec EMS training, it’s a reality. Whether you’re aiming to enhance weight loss, muscle tone, or endurance, our tailored programs ensure every move you make gets maximum returns.

Discover how a customized, technology-assisted approach to working out can elevate your fitness journey.

How We’re Redefining HIIT

If you’re familiar with HIIT, you’ll notice our fitness programs are quite different from what you’d expect. At Balanced Flow Wellness, we’ve made it possible to get the benefits of 2.5 hours of HIIT in just 20 minutes.

Stop wasting energy on multiple grueling workouts a week for so-so results when Miha Bodytec can get you
unbelievable gains in far less time.

Innovative Technology: Miha Bodytec

Watch the video below to acquaint yourself with the key to your success.


Miha Bodytec EMS training is all about efficiency. By using whole-body electrical muscle stimulation, we can condense an entire week’s worth of training into 20 minutes. This shorter timeframe facilitates better results than traditional exercise could ever achieve.

What’s more, our EMS training is low impact, making it widely accessible. From athletes and gym enthusiasts to older adults and those with limited mobility, people of all fitness levels can benefit from our program.

Miha Bodytec training, much like other HIIT programs near Lincoln Park, involves short, intense intervals separated by brief recovery periods. During a session, the device only stimulates your muscles half of the time, allowing 10 minutes for rest. However, unlike HIIT, the workout uses simple movements, with much of the effort provided by the technology.

When our clients are consistent with their training sessions, we see impressive results, including:

  • Weight loss
  • Reduction in abdominal visceral fat
  • Reduction in hip-to-waist ratio
  • Increase in muscle mass and strength

Unparalleled Results: Clinical Evidence

According to a clinical trial conducted by a Mayo Clinic surgeon and published at the American Heart Association Annual Meeting in 2022, whole-body EMS training is superior to conventional methods of exercise. Many statistics show its superiority:

  • 4 to 9% average body fat reduction in 6 sessions
  • 25% increase in strength
  • 20% increase in speed and explosiveness
  • 14x drop in total cholesterol (compared to regular exercise)
  • 90% muscle fiber recruitment (vs. 40% with regular exercise)
  • 2x improvement in anaerobic capacity
  • 40% increase in breathing efficiency
  • 13% improvement in hip-to-waist ratio
One of Balanced Flow Wellness's HIIT Programs near Lincoln Park


How does Miha Bodytec EMS training work?

EMS, which stands for electromyostimulation, uses electrical impulses to stimulate muscle contractions. These low-frequency pulses act like the natural signals your nervous system uses to control movement.

Like with traditional resistance training, repeated contractions can increase your muscle strength. There are a lot of health advantages to building muscle, including:

  • Stronger bones
  • Enhanced weight management
  • Reduced chronic pain
  • Improved quality of life

Understanding Bodytec

Miha Bodytec is a workout suit, which includes an underlayer, vest, and attachments for your hips, legs, and arms. The suit emits EMS, triggering around 51,000 whole-body muscle contractions per session. Your trainer will control the suit’s settings, matching the intensity to your fitness level.

EMS training is much more effective than normal HIIT programs near Lincoln Park for 2 reasons:

  1. The number of contractions vastly outnumbers what’s physically possible without the technology’s assistance.
  2. During a normal workout, about 40% of muscle fibers are engaged. Using EMS, that number skyrockets to 90%!

Is EMS safe?

EMS is safe when administered by a trained professional. The FDA cleared Miha Bodytec for EMS training in 2019. Miha Bodytec is the leading provider of whole-body EMS worldwide, and they’ve been researching their technology for over 17 years.

EMS, as we know it today, has been in use since the 1960s, and the FDA has approved various non-whole-body EMS devices for medical applications. The widespread adoption of this method reflects the confidence many physicians have in it.

Benefits of Our Reimagined HIIT Program

Our reimagined HIIT program offers many benefits that traditional HIIT cannot.

Accessible & Safe

Almost anyone can take part in Miha Bodytec EMS training. At Balanced Flow Wellness, we use it to support athletes, weight loss clients, rehab clients, older adults, and just about everyone in between.

The simple, low-impact movements we employ are accessible, scientifically proven, and gentle on your joints. At the same time, its customizable intensity makes this program equally suitable for high-performing individuals.

Counters Muscle Loss

EMS is ideal for developing lean muscle. A primary goal for many clients in our program is to combat muscle loss from weight loss treatments, such as GLP-1 medication or hormone therapy. Our providers and trainers collaborate to help many of these clients burn fat and build muscle simultaneously.

Enhances Rehab Recovery

Unlike traditional HIIT programs near Lincoln Park, EMS training’s accessibility and safety also make it useful for rehabilitation. EMS training, particularly when combined with physical therapy, can significantly help those experiencing chronic pain, serious injuries, or complications from conditions such as stroke.

Miha Bodytec for cardio and strength training near Lincoln Park


We’ve seen firsthand how just 2 to 4 sessions with Miha Bodytec can decrease pain immensely. In fact, many of our clients experience significant back pain relief because of EMS training.

Accelerates Progress

Because of its increased effectiveness, EMS training helps individuals lose weight and battle chronic pain more efficiently. Plus, seeing quicker results makes it easier to stick to your goals compared to regular exercise, as you’re less likely to get discouraged and give up.

The Balanced Flow Wellness Advantage

Balanced Flow Wellness is unique in its use of whole-body EMS training. The recent introduction of this advanced treatment to the U.S. makes our offering a rarity.

Unlike most providers who only use Miha Bodytec for fitness, we use it in combination with medical oversight for rehab, weight loss, and more. Rather than just using the EMS suit as another piece of exercise equipment, we use Miha Bodytec as a component of a greater treatment plan.

Combining EMS training with our fitness treatments creates the MedGym—a revolutionary opportunity for many people. You can learn more about The MedGym in our blog, How Personalized Medical Guidance Boosts Fitness Success.

What to Expect at Your Sessions

When you come to Balanced Flow Wellness seeking HIIT programs near Lincoln Park, we’ll get you started with a consultation. One of our knowledgeable providers will review your medical history, lifestyle, and treatment goals to get a better sense of your needs.

Once we’ve established your candidacy for EMS training, we’ll help you schedule recurring sessions.


Most of our clients start with a 6-week unlimited trial period. We usually suggest weekly sessions, although twice a week is ideal. We can always modify your schedule, increasing or decreasing the frequency of treatment, as you respond to the technology.


An experienced trainer will guide your 20-minute sessions, taking you through a variety of personalized movements. These movements will start simple with exercises like squats, lunges, and standing twists. The simplicity is important because overly complex movements may lead to improper muscle engagement and reduced benefits.

After 6 weeks, depending on your goals, your trainer may introduce more advanced exercises like push-ups, band-assisted pulls, or chopping motions. But sticking with the simpler motions is welcome, and can still achieve amazing results!

A personal training session at Balanced Flow Wellness to accomplish HIIT Programs near Lincoln Park


Frequently Asked Questions

If you’re looking for HIIT programs near Lincoln Park, our responses to these frequently asked questions can provide valuable insight for selecting your ideal provider.

What is the best HIIT workout program?

If your definition of “best” is maximum results in minimal time, then Miha Bodytec EMS training is the perfect program for you. At Balanced Flow Wellness, you can complete an entire week’s worth of HIIT in just 1 20-minute session. The workouts are simple, and the results are off the charts!

Is 20 minutes of HIIT per day enough?

While 20 minutes of daily HIIT can be beneficial, substantial fitness gains might require a more rigorous approach. But with our help, 20 minutes is more than enough! Because we optimize every move you make using an advanced body suit that emits EMS, you can do just 1 20-minute session a week and still see impressive benefits.

What is a HIIT workout program?

HIIT, or high-intensity interval training, consists of short periods of intense activity followed by brief rests. Our workout program includes supplemental therapies, such as boosted productivity from technology, medical oversight, and a highly curated selection of wellness treatments.

How long does it take to lose 10 pounds with HIIT?

Everyone loses weight at a different rate. Many factors, such as genetics, age, and lifestyle, affect how quickly you can lose 10 pounds with HIIT. However, you can always accelerate that timeline by doing HIIT with EMS. At Balanced Flow Wellness, we’ve seen clients lose as much as 30 pounds in 1 month with our reimagined HIIT workout—EMS training.

A woman signing up for HIIT Programs near Lincoln Park


Press the Easy Button on Fitness

At Balanced Flow Wellness, pressing the easy button on fitness isn’t bailing on hard work, it’s overcoming limitations. Whether it’s your genetics, busy schedule, or chronic pain, our alternative to conventional HIIT programs near Lincoln Park gives you the tools to conquer whatever is holding you back.

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Not quite ready to schedule your visit? Try our online Wellness Planning Tool by selecting your concerns and sharing your contact information. We’ll get started on your free personalized treatment plan—no strings attached!

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Continue reading: How Personalized Medical Guidance Boosts Fitness Success; Effective Strategies to Shed Pounds with High-Intensity Interval Training